How to Effectively Upsell and Cross-Sell


Are you familiar with upselling and cross-selling? If not, let me start by defining both terms to you:

Upselling is a sales strategy that presents a buyer the chance to upgrade a purchase to a related product or service with more features and add-ons, often for more money, to increase a purchase volume.

Cross-selling is similar to upselling. However, it is the process of selling different product or service to existing customers, again, to increase purchase volume.

As a business, if you’re to grow at exponential rate, you should upsell and cross-sell with every sale whenever possible. You’re doing a buyer a disservice if you fail to recommend complimentary products or service they may need.

In this infographic below, you’re going to learn more about upselling and cross-selling; how to effectively apply them in your business, in an easy to understand format:


Source: Quicksprouts


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