How to Use a Digital Marketing Strategy to Increase Your Marketing Impact

Digital Marketing Strategy

Marketing is how you attract users to your brand. A solid marketing strategy will appeal to users with value and help them identify with the brand in a personal way. Inbound marketing focuses on the content that a brand can offer on multiple channels to attract a qualified lead and cultivate them to conversion.  Your digital marketing strategy will focus on the virtual content and your online hub for business. Only 65% of marketers say they have a digital marketing strategy, despite the fact that the best markers are those that have a detailed plan.

Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy

You need a strong strategy to compete in the changing online market. A good strategy will follow S.M.A.R.T. goals:

Specific – Your plan has to have details because generic ideas aren’t able to be clearly defined as successes or failures. Don’t say “increase engagement,” but be specific with goals to get followers, likes, click-throughs or social mentions.

Measurable – Use hard numbers so you can measure if you failed or succeeded. If your goal is to get increased followers on your social media page, don’t say “get more followers” as a goal; use “get X% more followers” or “increase followers by X%” and make sure you are defining “X.”

Attainable – You don’t want to create expectations that are impossible to gage. Make sure your goals are the kinds of things you can control. Have the right tools in place, like social media managers and a texting service so that you can spread the word and manage the results.

Reasonable – Keep your goals within reasonable expectations for what you are able to accomplish. If you expect to increase your followers by 150% and you barely reach 10%, then you know there is a problem with what you expect to happen. Use your past metrics to try and gage what is reasonable and then stretch yourself just a bit to increase the pressure.

Timely – Set up a deadline and checkpoints for bigger goals. You need to have an endpoint where you can stop and evaluate your approach.

Know Your Audience

If your plan is going to work, then you have to be appealing to the right audience. Look at your key customers and set up buyer personas accordingly. You have to understand your target audience because digital marketing is all about offering what your users want, wherever they are spending most of their time. Guest blogging is one way to find out more about your audience. Look for social influencers who appeal to the same followers you want to appeal to and then use their influence to introduce your brand. Guest blogging can benefit both parties involved by increasing name and authority in the industry.

You can easily accomplish these by working with a reputable content and influencer marketing agency. Click here for an example agency.

Increase Your Platforms

One of the most important aspects of digital marketing is that you are able to reach your audience in new ways that are only available online or on mobile. Websites, blogs, social media, texting, apps and other platforms will help you get the attention of your target audience in multiple ways. SMS text messaging can be a great way to reach many mobile users, since text messages are far more likely to be opened than emails. The more platforms you can use to post quality content and publish value that supports your brand for the good of the user, the more opportunities you have to convert and cultivate leads that could become loyal customers.

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