Behind the Scenes of the New Facebook Graph Search

Graph Search

Facebook’s new Graph Search, the most recently introduced feature by Facebook, is the move towards a more graphical user interface. The new Graph Search tool that was incorporated few days ago started a new debate over its importance and drawbacks. Taking into account the surveys, polls and reviews, from various public reviews and discussion forums, this new graphical feature introduced by Facebook holds diverse opinions, both positive and negative. Still, I believe that if you are a Facebook addict, you would have definitely loved it.

I have come across a lot of users’ response to Facebook’s new Graph Search. Although most of the reactions seemed negative but if I judge the people by my own individual graph on Facebook, I find them as somewhat skeptical. People state it’s not something they desired and they are left with many expected questions regarding the issues of privacy and related concerns. I think most of these issues have already been tackled.

According to proponents and as a user, the new Graph Search seems to be a feature of great expectations,  going by how Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, positioned it by comparing it to Facebook Timeline feature. I believe since this might not be anything-killer, it certainly possesses the potential of being a game changer on the platform.

In spite of some headlines, I am not convinced that this feature is a Google killer in any way, or in terms of people’s normal search habits and practices.  This isn’t a usual search engine as some consider it.  Google will remain the top search choice, at least for now, for most search queries. What it may be, though, is a genuine threat to some of the fundamental framework of Google+ and how it is used to generate what Google terms as Search, Plus Your World, the searching function that is believed to include the favorites of your friend and associates in your search results.

Facebook search is different from other search engine services because of the heap of social data theta Facebook has gathered over the years.

The new Facebook search tool is believed to have been designed on the paradigm that data contained on Facebook is adequate and the users will have little reason to project outside its blue walled boundary. They also hope to leverage Facebook partnership with Bing, a Microsoft creation, for wide web search.

For now, this new Facebook graphical tool will dig its users’ likes, pictures, and check-ins, however, not their status related updates. Graph searching, Zuckerberg explained, is intended at responding to questions based on the information enclosed in your own social network, not to help you catalog and cross reference links to other sites.


  1. Everyone had a heart attack when the Timeline rolled out, thinking it was going to destroy any shred of privacy we have left. But everything is fine. I am going into it with an open mind. Great post!

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